Well what can I say its been a busy few weeks for H.TH. Our move to Vard was prompted by trying to find a home that wasn't just the default stack up point for Amarrian FW pilots and that would offer us easy access to pvp given the history most of our members have with Vard and after rejecting a few other systems Vard was chosen.
We have not been disappointed within days of moving there Vard rapidly ascended our most violent systems table and has provided us with the continued entertainment of TRIAD getting very upset with us...
From the first day of moving in Mara Abraham seemed to take personal offence at us choosing the location and asked TRIAD to return home starting a new home defence campaign and pulling TRIAD corp members away from their high sec raiding of Amarrian logistical routes, a victory before we even opened fire...
The first few days became quite hectic with HTH putting in some serious logistical wrangling to get ships and equipment into the system over the shortest possible period with more and more TRIAD members showing up in system coming back from their highsec raids all the time. A few skirmishes occurred as to be expected at this point with TRIAD claiming glorious victory in the name of the minmatar republic (a dubious claim at best). Accompanied by what can only be described as an epic mail from Mara we realised we'd hit upon something special here (A copy of this mail will follow).
So far we've seen small skirmishes with TRIAD and other Minnie FW corps being called in as fast as TRIAD can spam the militia channel accompanied by vast amounts of smack from Mara and some of her companions. Despite this however HTH still controls Vard for the majority of both timezones only being forced to dock when 15-20 man Minnie fleets run to assist terribad TRIAD.
TRIAD recently changed tack and decided to undock capitols to assist in getting us dislodged however this proved pretty ineffective as it was repeatedly forced to dock by four battleships fielded by HTH whilst its tackling Myrmidon was turned into Swiss cheese.
On the whole so far the move has been very enjoyable for HTH with the added spice of reading Mara's appallingly blinkered blog postings and general weepings in local the combat is fairly good and we've taken to redecorating the station interior pulling down the ridiculously drab Matari furnishings and installing sofa's fit for true pod pilots...
Better news to follow....
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