Friday, April 22, 2011

Jatinegara loses his Typhoon Fleet Issue!!!!11!!one!!!

Ha ha, no he didn't.

Last night, at a time when most pod pilot are asleep, Jatinegara was just getting back to Vard.  As he approached our home station, he noticed a Hurricane belonging to Bigds4u sitting outside.

I want to take this time to go into the short history that I have experienced with Jatinegara...  This man is straight crazy about killing Minmatar.  He will bite, claw, fly or sacrifice whatever he needs to in order to get the advantage.  He is a damn good pilot to have in H.TH but by God is he insane...

That being said, Jatinegara decides the best course of action is to dock up and come out in his Typhoon Fleet Issue and move ~15km off the undock.  Bigd4u sees his chance, he opens fire on Jat.  Suddenly and to the surprise of absolutely nobody, 5 more Minmatar pilots jump into our home system of Vard.  Here is how the conversation went on our internal comms:
Jat: "Alright, Bigda4u is siting near the undock with an two interceptors, engaging Big D"
FHP: "Small local spike"
Chandler: "Let us know if you need help, Jat."
Jat: "I'm good, shields are holding... actually, I could use some more points.  They've primaried me...wait...yeah, I think they're shooting me"
At this point, Flyinghotpocket in an Omen Navy and Chandler in an Armageddon undock, spreading their warp disruptors about.  To sum up the fight, this is what happened.  Two hurricanes down an Jat's ship and it's extremely "fly" paint job still intact.

Will Jat ever lose his TFI?  The Lord only knows.  We can definitely say it's not on Jat's lack of trying.

Until next time, pilots.  Fly safe 07

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