As my previous postings covered briefly shortly after we moved to Vard Mara sent us an epic mail which will follow in short order. With Mara acting the big business in local smacking and asking us if we're mad etc we decided to forward this mail onto some of the Minnie Militia members whilst Mara ranted away in local chat telling us all how upset we were that TRIAD were obviously winning an epic victory (Really?).
I'll leave it upto you guys to decide who was truly mad at this point :-)
Apology for my emotional words in Vard last night and sharing of thoughts
From: Mara Abraham
Sent: 2011.04.05 15:11
To: Flyinghotpocket, FlyingSpoonyBadger, Lord Morgo, Onesimus Theodoulos,
Good day, Onesimus Theodoulos, Lord Morgo, FlyingSpoonyBadger, and Flyinghotpocket:
I apologize for my heavily, heated, and emotional words used in Vard local yesterday, mainly directed at FlyingSpoonyBadger, btu also at Lord Morgo and Flyinghotpocket.
I went to bed thinking that I never called anyone a homosexual in anger before; and felt ashamed. I am sorry.
While what I'm about to write does not excuse such language, for which I'm sorry, I did want to share why HTH's actions in Vard have me hurt as well as upset.
Onesimus Theodoulos, when you approached me about joinign HTH, I was flattered. Since I had just rejoined T.R.I.A.D. and did not want to bounce around (I even said no when I had an opportunity to rejoin ROSS), I told you and your fellow corporation members (when they would ask) that the answer (at least for the time being was no).
I did not push it completely outside the window of occuring because I cannot predict the future; and I like open doors vs. closed doors.
That's why when there were various requests for honor duels, I did my best to get there (it was typically at a location of your chosing which puts the pressure on the one getting there to get there safely, un ganked), and then honor each agreement. I.e. when to stopo shooting.
When I found out your coproation had me marked blue, I asked for that to be removed so there would be no accidents. And I realized that when I was primared in battle by any member of your coropration, that is a part of FW.
However, I made the mistake of believing one could be friends with a war target corporation or person or group of persons on the other side. I allowed myself to think, and even communicate with various T.R.I.A.D. members that HTH was a corporation where we could arrange more fair (as fair as fair gets in war) combat.
With the slicer move, which I appreciate, the trust was so heavy when I contracted it to you, it was done on the basis of free; just as you freely transported it; and I ensured safe passage with T.R.I.A.D. members being told do not shoot.
When Lord Morgo stated having ships in Vard, I tried to tell myself, no big deal; this was not an outright betrayal of friendship or trust. But then when the station games started happening with one of T.R.I.A.D. members being repeated podded (he left our corporation in part, due to the multiple ganks by HTH), I realized that HTH is no better (or worse) than any other war target.
There was zero, real (to me honor is not just here and there based on consensual one v. one, but ongoing through out) honor between our houses (so to write -- HTH and T.R.I.A.D. or me personally).
What makes matters more insulting is several of HTH members complaining about IFW station gaming (and you should know by now TRIAD and IFW are not related), and then HTH members do that to TRIAD members?
Then when one of our newer, combat, members gets attacked in a belt in Vard by Flyinghotpocket, it cannot be 1v1, but Lord Morgo has to come in the Dramiel (almost all know it to be the king of frigs) and have a 2 v1 with Flyinghotpocket stating in local it was not a station game (well, gank is gank).
That stated, I once more apologize for my emotional words. I will watch what I say more closely.
Also know, though, from my standing point if there is no honor through and through (i.e. selective -- case by case -- honor is not honor), then there is no honor.
Based on these actions, I will never join the Amarr, never consider HTH, and as previously stated will do everything I can do within game mechanics as an outright enemy of HTH until HTH is out of Vard.
Thank you.
So there you have it chaps we decided to stay even if Mara was having homo erotic dreams about us.....
1 time offer mara, join hth!